1st of all, I know that production scene is as fairly restricted by budget & red tape. But the goodie 2 shoes shown by the characters isn't realy reality of life. I don't feel the series show the reality of police life in malaysia.
Compare to the US cop series, it reflect the stressful environment, heartache, sorrow, reality, bribery and not every episode ended in every case being solved.
3rd watch shows the interaction between NYPD & FDNY also the people of New York.
Remember this:- I just recently watch the series, Gerak Khas.
Also what annoys me most is that Does the cop realy talk BAHASA BAKU?!!!
I don't think so.
I really want to see local malaysian firefighters in action...:p
It's not that i'm patriotic but come on, with that quality how can we ever export our story be sell outside malaysia?! I really do hope that malaysian drama could be imported to overseas like the indonesian do...

But that just my POV....
Another cop series that really twisted is The Shield. Showing the another side of justice.