Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reading the book & the similarity with the office

Hi peeps ^^

So I start reading the "Getting Even" book yesterday evening (dah x sabor dah tu ;p) and realise that some of the situation mention in the books' is similar with the current office settings. Bad mouthing the BOSS is part of an oppressed or an unjustified employee methods of getting even (aka revenge) at the management. Its non violent revenge methods but can lead to many negative impacts to the image or future of said people.

Let me share something that I experienced this morning at the meeting with clients; the meeting title was Coordination Meetings for Projects in Sarawak. In my (lets say naive) opinion, the purpose of the meetings was that we're gonna be briefed with the project scopes, locations, funding etc. about the technical things to smooth through so that we can produce the tender documents or appoints relevant people. Instead the meetings is about determining the responsible agency to carry out the projects. The meeting members are from Sarawak, the ministry and us but the differences was that, they send their senior management level exec. where as us sending a mere junior level exec...(>.<) to discuss and make a pertinent decision about the projects future. Felt stupid and trapped the whole time in the meeting.

And now, I'm being informed by other clients that my other projects is going to be handle by other department in our agency. End up with no projects in 2011, HAH!!

My plan right now is to blanking my mind from office stuff and consentrate with other projects that been deem non productive....take that BOSS!!! since saying I'm quit is not option right now....hehehe where to finds jobs ma???

So goodbye and have a nice day to anybody who have been kind enough to read this....